Act fast! There isn't much time.
Ignite Your Renewal: Unveiling the 'Clean Slate' T-Shirt
– A Symbol of Fresh Starts and New Beginnings
Rediscover Comfort in Change – Our 'Clean Slate' T-Shirt is Your
Wearable Manifestation of Personal Renewal, Ready to Empower Your Journey
From: David Andrew Wiebe
To: Fellow Traveler (YOU)
In summer 2023, I came up with the idea of holding a live music and multi-media event in Victoria, BC.

Fast forward to February 16, 2024, and that vision was realized.
But prior to that, I had asked my friend Karlo to design a logo for the event (the kind that would look great on a T-shirt), and this is what he came up with:
Pretty cool, right?

I loved the logo because it was everything I'd envisioned!

I was excited to share it all over social media (which I did), and of course with the event attendees.

But the story doesn't end there...
There's More To A Design Than Meets The Eye...
"You have a clean slate, and you can start over–right here, right now. Find your joy and live it!"
– Rhonda Byrne, The Secret
If it's okay with you, I'd like to share what "Clean Slate" means to me.

I know it might sound strange, but...

There's something I absolutely LOVE about the New Year.

Sure, you can choose any other time of the year to change your health, your relationships, your life...

You can choose any other time of the year to set goals or make resolutions...

But isn't there something about the energy of the New Year that lifts your spirits?

And isn't there something about it that makes you want to think ahead to the year you're about to have, and all the amazing experiences you're about to create for yourself?

Doesn't every year feel like a self-contained "Clean Slate" that you get to choose what you want to do with?

Doesn't that light you up and make you want to spring into action?

Let me tell you... I've had so many amazing discoveries on this journey.

For example, when I heard that Bill Gates engages in annual "Think Weeks" where he disconnects from technology for the purpose of thinking and planning...

I created something similar for myself and ended up LOVING it.

And my favorite thing to do on my "Think Weeks" is read books.

Not sure if you've heard this before but reading stimulates the brain in a way nothing else can. It puts you into FLOW state.

In that state, ideas flow easily. Time disappears. Life becomes so much more exciting and pleasurable. Possibilities rapidly spring to life.

It's no wonder I keep chasing those highs!

Honesty, I would take two weeks off every year just to think, reflect, and plan if I could.

Lately, I've noticed that it can be hard to block off a week of uninterrupted time, let alone two weeks!

But where there's a will, there's a way...
And I ended up liking thinking and reflecting so much that at one point I made it a part of my weekly routine.

On Fridays, I used to go out for lunch all by myself and spend the rest of the day in deep thought.

(I called it #FoodFriday – it didn't make sense to anyone else, but that's okay, it was my private cocoon for transformation.)

If it wasn't obvious already that I'm completely obsessed with spending time alone in intentional thought...

I even wrote a book called Start Your Year the Right Way. Yes, it's 100% true.

And that book was partly inspired by another great book that also comes in handy right around New Year:

Which is Michael Hyatt's Your Best Year Ever.

Anyway, I hope I'm not boring you and that my passion is coming across.

Because everything I've just shared with you is what "Clean Slate" means to me.
It means becoming better versions of ourselves...

It means leaving the past in its place and embracing the present and the future...

It means leaning into the mystery and joy of life once more, no matter what has happened, no matter where you're at now...

Of course, that's not all because:
We All Want A Fresh Start, A New Beginning
"You are never too old to start over. Every day is a chance to make changes to create the life we want."
– Karon Waddell
Life comes with baggage. We all know this.

Illnesses. Painful breakups. Frustrating business challenges. Crushing financial defeats. Deaths in the family that leave you feeling empty, lonely, and like you've lost a part of yourself.

What do you do with all this baggage? Do you continue to carry it with you until you're over encumbered? Until the pain makes you miserable and defeated? Until you feel like you're completely numb to life?

I can tell you from experience – that's no way to live.

But what's the alternative?

Well, isn't there some part of you that feels like you deserve a fresh start?

Wouldn't you love to wipe your slate clean and start over?

Okay, pause.

Does this all sound too good to be true?

Well, the truth is life gives us many opportunities to do EXACTLY that... It offers us the chance to start over with every new day.

It's just that we're not tuned into these opportunities most of the time.

We end up clinging to the pain of the past instead of welcoming in the promise of a new day.

Our feelings end up getting in the way of new possibilities that would make our hearts leap with joy.

Let me ask you something:

If you could start fresh today, what would you do? What would you stop doing? What would you create? What would you let go of? What would your life look like?

STOP and think on these questions for just a moment.

Whatever it is you're imagining in your mind, you can have THAT, NOW...

You can declare the past complete and embrace your new beginning today.

We're not talking about a mere T-shirt or merch line, as cool as it is...

We're talking about drawing a line in the sand.

We're talking about making a gesture to symbolize YOUR new beginning.

We're talking about stepping into the joyous future that you so richly deserve.

Are you ready for a Clean Slate?
Buy It Now
Price: $23
Limited Edition
(Price Includes Shipping & Handling)
"A fresh start is available to you today! All you need to do is join the Clean Slate Tribe and commemorate the occasion with this T-shirt."
Buy It Now
Here's What Others Are Saying About The T-Shirt
Jolene Yuen-Jung
But Don't Wait Around...
Time is ticking.

And as much as I would love to make sure everyone who wants a T-shirt gets one...

The reality is I only ever keep a couple dozen T-shirts on my person, and when they're gone... well, they're gone!

If you're seeing this page now, it means you can still get your hands on a Clean Slate T-shirt.

But I will pull this page down the moment I'm unable to fulfill any more orders.

So, get your credit card out, click on the button below, and get your order in while you still can!
Buy It Now
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: What sizes are available?
S, M, L, and XL. We can add additional sizes if there is a demand for them.
Q: What size will fit me?
You know how if you go into a store and try on a T-shirt, sometimes it's WAY too big or WAY too small?

Whatever size you normally wear doesn't quite seem to fit the bill?

Like if you usually wear an M size, you end up having to get the L size or maybe even the S size?

Well, you shouldn't need to worry about that with these T-shirts – I have personally tested them!

I normally wear an XL, and guess what, the XL fits perfectly!

So, whatever you normally wear, simply select that, and you will be taken care of.
Q: Is the T-shirt comfortable?
Yes. It is made of thin, breathable material that should make it comfortable to wear in just about any situation.
Copyright 2024 - Clean Slate Tribe
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